Empro - Easy MP3 Player, Recorder And Organizer

An Easy Way to Record What You Hear On Win7 or Vista

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Empro User Guide (Empro 1.0.0/2011)

How to get better audio quality?

  1. The quality of recorded audio is very much depending on your playback device. Regardless, Empro use several ways to improve the quality as follows.

  2. Empro has option to turn off system generated sound (default) when you record. So the sound generated when you click a web link, insert a USB device etc won't be mixed in the music that you want to keep.

  3. Empro record audio to 128 kbps MP3. You could increase to 256 kbps to double the size of audio file. But the difference may not be noticeable.

  4. Empro has option to adjust MP3 volume (default). So all the recorded MP3s have the same average volume. Without this feature, many MP3 you recorded may have different level of volume and force you to change your speaker volume when you play back them constantly.

  5. Besides of these default Empro's features you could make the recorded audio quality better by checking the followings.

  6. When you listen and record, it may be better to keep the playback volume about fifty percent to avoid under or overflow (click speaker icon on the system tray to adjust volume).

  7. Check your playback device default audio format (right click on the speaker icon on the system tray -> playback devices -> right click the current speaker (playback device) -> properties -> advanced -> default format). It is better to use high quality like 24bits 48000Hz during recording.

  8. Some playback device may have their own sound effects. You could play around them and make a few selection. It may also help with the recorded audio quality.

  9. If you are not satisfied with the sound recorded with your embedded audio device. You may try to use a USB audio device. There are many good USB devices that you could find.


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